Laser Hair Removal FAQs

  • What type of hair removal system do you offer?

    At Nude Medspa & Body Lounge, Brookly NY we offer the GentleMax Pro hair removal system by Candela, a world leader in laser technology.

    The GentleMax Pro combines two different wavelengths from Alexandrite and ND-Yag lasers. This premier laser hair removal system targets and destroys the follicle two ways – for the most rapid, safe, painless, and effective treatment.

    Every technician who operates our GentleMax Pro hair removal system is a highly trained and certified laser professional and Candela practitioner. We also take great pride in ensuring that our laser hair removal equipment is inspected, serviced and updated regularly.

  • What is the advantage of laser hair removal?

    Unlike shaving, tweezing, plucking or depilatory creams, lasers destroy or disable the hair follicle. This prevents new hair growth. So patients will see results that last far longer than tweezing, waxing, shaving, chemical depilation, or other temporary methods.

    Additionally, the laser uses a wide beam that treats many hairs at once instead of treating hairs one-by-one like electrolysis. Because of this, large areas such as the legs, arms, or back can be treated in a short period of time.

  • What does the laser hair removal treatment feel like?

    The treatment does have a slight prickly sensation. But most of our clients are able to tolerate the treatment and report that the “snapping” sensation of the laser is not painful. The GentleMax Pro laser utilizes a special patented cooling system that lowers the temperature of the skin at the treatment site before, during, and after laser exposure to help ensure patient comfort. No local anesthesia or pain medication is required, but for more sensitive areas, topical anesthetic cream can be applied, if requested.

  • How does laser hair removal reduce hair?

    The laser emits a beam of thermal light energy that specifically targets the pigment or melanin in the hair follicles that are currently in an active growing cycle. Precise pulse duration and energy settings are customized for each patient’s skin and hair type. The laser’s thermal heat energy is absorbed by the hair follicles, destroying the follicles ability to produce hair, resulting in rapid, safe, painless and effective hair removal.

    Every hair goes through three stages of growth: the anagen phase, catagen phase, and telogen phase. The anagen phase, also known as the growth stage, is the duration in which your hair actively continues to grow. The catagen phase, also known as the transitional phase, is when the hair follicle shrinks and detaches from the papilla, a structure at the base of the follicle. The telogen phase, also known as the resting phase, is when the old hair is released and falls out. When the old hair sheds, the hair follicle re-attaches to the papilla and re-enters the anagen phase, repeating the cycle.

    Each hair in your body can be at a different stage in the growth cycle at any given time. Thus, to target the hair during the anagen phase, multiple laser treatments are necessary to target the numerous hair follicles during their growth stage.

  • How many laser hair removal sessions will I need?

    Because the hair grows in staggered “phases”, multiple treatments will be needed to target the different hair follicles during their growth phase.

    Every patient is different, and laser hair removal works faster on some people than others. This is because each client has different amounts and regrows hair at different rates. You hair thickness, coarseness, and color will also affect the number of treatments you need.

    Typically three to six treatments are required for optimal hair removal results – spaced 6 weeks apart. On average, patients can expect at least 50% of their hair to be permanently gone after 3 treatments – with up to 80% of hair regrowth reduction after four to six treatments.

  • How do I prepare for my laser hair removal treatment?

    For best results, preferably clients should thoroughly shave their hair the same day of the laser hair removal treatments – and no longer than 24 hours before their appointment. This ensures that the laser heat energy only targets the follicle and not any hair that is above the skin.

    Patients should avoid any type of tanning and/or use of self-tanning products for approximately four weeks before laser hair removal. Clients must NOT wax, tweeze, color/dye hair, or have electrolysis two weeks before their hair removal treatment. Also, it is important for patients to avoid skin care products with irritants such as Glycolic Acid or Retin-A in the treatment area for at least one week before laser hair removal.